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Swim Lessons

When registering for swim lessons:

  1. Select age group (e.g. Pre-K)
  2. Select skill group (e.g. Level 2)
  3. Select session dates (e.g. Session A: June 23-July 3)
  4. Select lesson time (e.g. 10:25-10:55am)
  5. Example code would be 320502A1
  6. Use links in the below tables to purchase
FEES1 week/Saturday2 weeks/evening
City Resident$50$80
Non-City Resident$60$90
Parent & Child6 months - 2 Years (with caregiver)
Pre-K3-5 years (not entered kindergarten)
Youth5-18 years (completed kindergarten)
ShrimpsNew, or fairly new, to the waterSwimmer and a caregiver will learn to feel comfortable, safe, and confident in the water.
StripersNew, or fairly new, to the water, and ready for a lesson without ParentComfort in water by putting different parts of body in (face, hair, ears). Some use of floatation devices
Level 1Can move independently when using a floatation deviceLearn to submerge mouth, nose, and eyes, front and back float, swimming on front and back
Level 2Is comfortable submerging. Ability to float or travel short distances unaidedEnters water by stepping or jumping, open eyes underwater, front/back glide, swimming distance of front/back/side
Level 3Can swim 15+ yards without stopping; is comfortable submerging face and resurfacing while swimmingJump into deep water, dive from side of pool, retrieve submerged objects, survival float treading water for 30 seconds, swim various strokes 15+ yards
Level 4Is familiar with various strokes and can swim 25+ yards without stoppingImprove strokes, increase endurance, feet-first surface dive, 1 minute survival float/treading/back float, throwing assists
Level 5Can swim 50+ yards and is comfortable with all strokesRefine strokes, become more efficient, shallow dive, tuck and pike surface dives, 2 minute survival floating/treading/back float, flip turns on front and back
Level 6Will learn to swim with ease and efficiency, and gain ability to swim smoothly over greater distances with power and endurance500 yards continuous swim using 100 yards each of front/back crawl, breaststroke, elementary backstroke, sidestroke & butterfly, 5 minute survival float/treading/back float, feet first surface dive and retrieve an object from 12 feet

Morning Schedule

One Week Sessions

5 Lessons  

B: July 7-11

D: July 28-August 1

Two Week Sessions

10 Lessons 

A: June 23-July 3 
(no lesson July 4)

C: July 14-25

E: August 4-15

* Session B & D only
** Session A & C only
Parent & Child: Shrimps*310500_3
Pre-K: Stripers320500_1 320500_2320500_3
Pre-K: Level 1320501_1320501_2320501_3
Pre-K: Level 2320502_1320502_2
Pre-K: Level 3**320503_3
Youth: Level 1360500_1360500_2360500_3
Youth: Level 2360501_1360501_2360501_3
Youth: Level 3360502_1360502_2360502_2
Youth: Level 4360503_3
Youth: Level 5360504_2
Youth: Level 6360505_1

Evening Schedule

Two Week Sessions

8 lessons

F: July 7-17

G: July 21-31

Youth: Level 1360500_1
Youth: Level 2360501_2
Youth: Level 3360502_3

Saturday Schedule

Four Week Sessions

4 lessons

J: June 21-July 19
(no lesson July 5)

K: July 26-August 16

Parent & Child: Shrimps310500_3
Pre-K: Stripers320500_1320500_2320500_3
Pre-K: Level 1320501_1320501_2320501_3
Pre-K: Level 2320502_1320502_2
Youth: Level 1360500_1
Youth: Level 2360501_2
Youth: Level 3360502_3